“It is what you learn after you know it all that really counts” -John Wooden
Sheeley Consulting Group
Sheeley Consulting Group is an insightful, research-focused, innovation-driven pharmaceutical sales consulting company with four decades of technically focused field exposure with virtually every medical specialty. Our goal is to provide clients with original thinking, publications, training classes and workshops in several important pharmaceutical areas.
Our online video sales training workshops focus on the development of patient types that encourage both adding to memory and gaining the 1st use of a product. Our management training workshop is based on experience and observation over many years of being front-line District managers. A no nonsense workshop on what is really important to manage.
“It is towards the future that we have labored with these concepts, to make them understandable, workable and tremendously effective. We hope others will seize this work and blaze a new pathway that does not use the old and barren promotional approaches”
-Paul Snyder
Our Services
Patient-Type Centered Selling©
Analyzing Medical Literature
Managing Pharmaceutical Reps
Patient & Specialty
Specific E-Details
Specific Patient-Type Selling
Managing Pharmaceutical Reps
Understanding Medical Journals
Management Training
2-Day Training Course on Managing
Pharmaceutical Representatives
Analyzing & Interpreting The Medical Literature - A Guide For The Professional Rep, PA, PharmD, RNP
This manual reviews in detail all of the key parts of a medical journal article with emphasis on understanding how to dissect and interpret the “Material & Methods” section.
We cover how to spot bias, how to present and discuss a medical journal article and how to find answers to the “Who” questions---who came up with study hypothesis, who chose methods, who wrote design, who verified testing, randomization, blinding, who decided sample size, and more.
The Art of Selling Pharmaceuticals - Using The Doctor's Thought Patterns To Improve How Your Product Is Received
This manual teaches the reader how to move away from the “Fact-Fact-Benefit-Close” used by many representatives in the field today. This manual teaches “Patient-Type Centered Selling”© approach to enhance the message you deliver to the provider. This manual teaches how providers are trained to think and make drug selection decisions. And, most importantly, this manual does one very important thing. It teaches you how to get a provider to use your drug for the first time. We believe the “first use” is the most challenging one to establish.
Managing In Pharmaceutical Sales - Pearls Among The Oceans of Strategies
This manual teaches what and how to manage in the pharmaceutical and med equipment arena. It covers how to communicate, the dreaded hiring and interviewing process, how to lead a team, how to stay organized and “Management Maxims” we have learned over many years of experience and observation. An excellent read for experienced and inexperienced front-line managers
Who We Are
We have a combined four decades of front-line sales experience calling on all specialties in teaching hospitals and community-based practices.
We have spent years studying how medical schools and residency programs provide learning examples for their classes. Our approach follows that pathway to achieving better patient outcomes through trained marketing plans and field staffs.

Ron Sheeley